Deja la civilización para vivir «desnuda en la jungla» y ahorra miles de dólares

Freelee, una ‘youtuber’ australiana de Queensland que promueve ideas veganas, ha ahorrado miles de dólares en tratamientos de belleza durante el año que ha vivido «fuera de radares» en la selva suramericana, informa el diario Daily Mail.

La bloguera vegana, de 37 años, ha huido de la «civilización occidental» con su pareja para librarse de «la vida de esclava» que llevaba trabajando cinco días a la semana.

«Quería inspirarme y sentir algo significativo todos los días», relató Freelee.

Ahora, la mujer pasa la mayoría de su día desnuda, «libre de ropa que restringe», come frutas y verduras que cuida ella misma, se ducha en las lluvias monzónicas y bebe de riachuelos de la selva.

La australiana publica sus fotos en Instagram y videos en YouTube, en las que aparece desnuda o cubriéndose con ropa hecha de materiales orgánicos como cáscaras de coco.

«¿Que si ahora voy a estar desnuda en cada fotografía? Sí, desnuda en la jungla. Libre de ropa, etiquetas, zapatos, maquillaje y depilación. Simplemente, uno se siente bien», escribe la mujer bajo las fotos.

Según Daily Mail, la australiana se ha ahorrado unos 4.000 dólares en un año en cosméticos y en procedimientos estéticos como teñido del cabello y pestañas postizas, así como en cuchillas de afeitar.

Some say they don’t like the new me and the direction I’m taking. That they miss the ‘old me’. The truth is, I don’t really know ‘who I am’ exactly, or even who the ‘old me’ was. My head is a whirlwind of contradictions. I do know that whenever someone or society tries to puts me in a box, I always escape. I know I’m happiest being free in the jungle. I feel best when I eat only raw foods. I’m obsessed with rare exotic fruits. I tend to overthink things and edit my captions too much. I care deeply for animals. When I’m feeling really good, I often think of something bad. I don’t put enough effort into friendships but I’m working on it. I feel so much joy when other women are empowered. I can be a slow learner and get confused easily. I’m often playfully immature like a child. I can be soft and cuddly, yet fiery and cold.️ I chase the truth. This is just scratching the surface ofcourse. I’m not a robot. I’m always learning, changing, reinventing. I don’t know who I will be in the future but honestly, I’ve never been this excited.☀️ #gofreeyourself

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So how do ya like ma coconuts? ?…I just love seeing my DIY coconut bowl collection growing ?It feels really empowering to make things myself rather than pay others. You might think «Oh I could never learn to do that, I’m just not good at that stuff» and that’s where you are wrong. I grew up without a shred of do-it-yourself experience, I was taught by this consumerist society that it’s better to just buy something rather than attempt to create it yourself. Sure, it may be quicker and easier but where is the personal satisfaction in that? Everytime I use the bowls I feel a sense of purpose and pride. You try, make mistakes (eg. hole in bottom of one bowl) but you learn and become more skilled, confident and powerful each time. Save money and become a stronger, freer woman with each project. ? Remember – If you are not willing to learn, no one can help you, if you are determined to learn, no one can stop you. #gofreeyourself

Una publicación compartida de #gofreeyourself #rawtill4 (@freelee_official) el

Am I going to be nude in every shot now? Yes, nude in the jungle. Free of clothes, labels, shoes, makeup, shaving. It just feels right. Does that mean I’m going to walk around naked with friends or join a nudist colony? Probably not, but it does mean this page will be one where I celebrate my birth-day body in my natural surroundings. Unfortunately female nudity in our modern culture has been oversexualised to the point that we can’t even show a damn nipple! Ugh. This stigma is obviously not healthy and breeds embarrassment, shame and disatissfaction with our female bodies. I love how comfortable and confident tribeswomen around the world are with their nude bodies. Not a second thought is given to their saggy breasts. If my body offends you then this isn’t the page for you. #gofreeyourself PS – New video up showing my lifestyle for a week, link in bio

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When I was 17 I developed an eating disorder; anorexia. I would often eat less than 500 calories in a day, and sometimes, nothing at all. When I was 19 I became addicted to cocaine and ecstasy. My nails were brittle and my hair was falling out. My skin was covered in acne bumps. By the time I was 21 I had swapped anorexia for bulimia and was binge-eating till I was in agony, purging daily. I developed serious digestive issues and suicidal depression. I felt helpless after seeing every specialist in the book. One day I went to my usual yoga class and there was a new teacher. She was so incredibly vibrant and energetic. I felt drawn to speak to her. She told me she was vegan, and loved fruit. Little does she know that she helped save my life that day. Never give up. #gofreeyourself

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